Reaching well beyond my grasp

I am here because I have been inspired. The Bloodbowl community has created some amazing customised teams and I have decided I'd like to try building my own team.

I have never done this before, my painting skills are mediocre at best and my modelling skills....well non existent. This is in all likelihood a doomed journey. But I hope it gives others of my skill level and ambition the courage to try.

This is my first attempt at blogging, so some things I feel you should know.
The good blogs out there post on a weekly basis, yeah... this isn't going to be one of those good blogs.
Also I take terrible photos. Really. You have been warned.

UPDATE: I have added a Lessons Learnt page. Here I note little tips I learn as I go along. A summary of things that may help others who decide to give kit bashing a go.

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Lineman lined up.

With my test paint models done I had a better idea of the look of the team I was aiming for and what I need to do and improve on to get it just right.

I decided that rather then continually practice on test models I would paint the first on team model. This way I was committed to the project of painting the team and was forcing myself to concentrate harder on the job in hand. No more test painting safety net.

Well.. sort off.

I came to a compromise with myself. I decided that the first on team model to be painted would be an Orc lineman. Now originally there were no line man in the team roster, but I figure in a league, players will get injured and need replacing, journeyman may be necessary, so a lineman or two seemed like a sensible ideas. Also I hope that with each figure I paint I get a little better, so logically the first models won't look as good as the last models painted for the team. I would rather have the line man look less well painted then the other positional players.

I like the split of Orange and Black on the model 

Using the plates of armour on the legs also works better than trying to do the stripe pattern in the knees and elbows.

I struggled a bit with the stripes. As you can see from the two shoulder pads I am still working on a tiger stripe pattern I can do well and be consistent with. I think the right pad has too think black markings. Not sure the left pad looks stripey enough.

Really happy with the black and orc skin in terms of shading and high-lighting. I wanted to try the model with an Orange helmet. I like how it looks terms of colour, but the stripes need to be much better. I need to improve how I control the paint on the brush and the amount of paint I put on.

I think this will be the template/ format for the rest of the team in terms of uniform.