One of the four blitzers was a similar model to the line men. The other 3 all had full helmets and a bit more armour on. I want all the different types of players to all have a similar look. That way it is a bit easier to identify what is what. To me the full helmet models looked more like blitzers and the open face models in the lighter armour were more like lineman.
Fortunately I hadn't glued on the barrel to the blitzer model. I put together another blitzer to match the other 3 and painted up the other model as a lineman.
So now I have 2 line man ready in the wings. Even though they are the same model I have made same minor changes in the paint scheme while trying keep the overall team colours. I haven't decided which I prefer yet, the black helmet or the orange helmet with stripes.
The 3 Blitzers that had the same type of armour.
And the "new" model biltzer to match the others. As you can see this one has been undercoated so hopefully the blitzers will be painted soon.
Most people won't see or understand why I would want the different positions to have a similar look. But I really notice these visual details and think they help me see the board in play better. You certainly could argue that the fact that all the blitzers will have barrels on there back should have been enough to visually group them together, but to me it makes sense for the models to all be similar, that way I have a bit of lea way when it comes to the paint schemes. I don't think an Orc's kit would be very uniform in colour scheme, so having that team uniformity in size and shape helps counter that.
All the Blitzers look physically similar.
All Lineman look physically similar.